Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Stubborn birds

Ben's at that stage where he finds microscopic pieces of debris on the floor fascinating, and he's just so cute scooching around to examine those treasures. I'm all for dirt and germs toughening the kid up, but our floor has been talking back for at least a week now. 

So although it's 930pm I've got the mop out, having vacuumed earlier while Ben was on nap strike yet again. I just got done scrubbing the tubs and toilets; they, too, were looking dicey. There's a heap of dishes in the sink from a batch of cheddar biscuits, made this morning for our awesome PEPS group. Clean dishes in the dishwasher getting cabin fever from having been stuck in there all day. Partly full baby bottles fermenting away on the counter. You would think I could get all this done during normal business hours, but I'll let you in on a little secret. More often than not, the real party doesn't start until we hang the "Closed" sign on Ben's door for the night. 

With all this wild housekeeping happening, I've got a case of stubborn birds this evening. Back tomorrow to take another crack at it.


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