What is Now That You Mention It?

Much like me, NTYMI is a work in progress, so I’m afraid I don’t have an answer to the practical question of what it is I'm doing here. I can tell you that once upon a time I was a waitress, a stylist's assistant, a deckhand, and an art director (various times, various locales). Now I find myself a newly minted SAH mom in Seattle, attempting to drum up sales for a local small business while my son naps.

Despite everything I’ve learned, writing used to feel like a place I might happen upon one day if I just ambled down the right path. I’ve finally come to terms with how ridiculous this line of thinking is. In Writing Down the Bones, Natalie Goldberg draws a comparison between writing and running. It’s a brilliant analogy for the notion of practice. Having trained for a couple of marathons, I see her point. It’s true that the crucial first step is to show up. Put in the time. Once you’ve got that down, you can start fussing with tempo runs, fine-tuning your endurance, rounding out your workout with other types of training. You’ll sweat. Cry. Ache. Fall (often, if you're crazy and training outdoors, in Chicago, in January). Get up and do it all over again, often when it’s dark out and most people are cozy in bed. Yes. I'm seeing the similarities.

So here I am. I’m showing up. Thanks for dropping by. It remains to be seen when or how I’ll start to fine-tune the focus and tenor of this blog. I appreciate your interest and patience as I work up to that point. Thanks. I really mean that.

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