Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Get lost

Seattle is still one big tangle of spaghetti to me. How does anyone find their way around cities that don't fall neatly onto a grid? I love all the water here, but I also love a direct route. 

I'm glad someone invented those handy navigators for the car. Although sometimes I'll be driving along and the GPS lady, perhaps in need of a little excitement, tries to send me flying off a bridge or cliff. I've learned to tune her out when she's talking crazy. It makes me feel a bit like I'm turning into a man.

We bought our GPS just for our move to Seattle. Before this contraption entered our lives, when faced with a new destination, I actually looked at a map. Snapped a mental picture of the route, perhaps jotted down a few notes on the back of a piece of junk mail, and that was that. It was all very efficient and tidy. Grids, people. Grids! I knew where I was headed.

Now, I'm less cabbie, more tourist. Well, I say that, but I always get us (mini-me and me) where we need to go. Just not owing to any navigational skills on my part. I obey the GPS lady, as long as she's not trying to get us to careen off the edge of some sheer drop Thelma & Louise style. And like I said, I'm glad these things exist. Especially now that it takes us an hour to get out the door, due to any number of baby excrement related messes, I won't knock a time saver. 

But if I'm ever going to find my way here, I think I'm going to have to make peace with this feeling of, well, feeling lost.

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