Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The first of many birds

Friends, I hope you're out there. It's been so long since I used my voice for something real, something other than cold calls, conference calls, and baby talk. I wouldn't blame you if you're feeling a bit nervous about what this blog will bring. I'm right there with you.

The overwhelming urge to write is oft tempered by the sheer terror of self doubt (being a cynic has only drawbacks, don't let anyone tell you otherwise), but this is my attempt to listen to Lamott and take it bird by bird, word by word, everyday.

The key to all this is everyday. When it comes to outsize projects resembling work, most of you are familiar with my incredible knack for procrastination and avoidance. Which leads to a lot of haphazard, unorganized, frenzied messes. Which I would love to overcome. Perhaps part of the problem is my icky lifelong project to change this. But when it comes to "fun" projects (in the past: vacation itineraries, wedding planning, preparing for baby #1) I'm the first to dive in. Even when the water is teeth-chattering, blue-lip cold, more Pacific than Atlantic.

I'm not sure that writing will ever come easily, but now that my yoga workout consists of lunging to catch our son's head before it bumps into the coffee table, a daily positive practice of sorts can't hurt. My hope is that everyday writing will mince up the great big hairy Writing that's always looming in my mind (the one that slavishly makes me write, rewrite and then rewrite again something so simple as a single sentence, ad nauseam) and if I'm lucky, turn it into little manageable bursts of Yay! Writing!!! Just try and stop me!
All this to say that I thank you in advance for bearing with me. It's bound to get ugly in here before it gets better.

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