Monday, October 24, 2011

Turning point

After a good stretch of rain last week, we finally had a dry moment on Sunday. Though it was close to baby bedtime, we ventured out for a walk to the park. Lots of neighbors had the same idea. In Seattle, you learn the importance of carpe diem! 

So we were rewarded with some socializing. And, we even found a giant leaf, a beautiful testament to the circle of life.

We've had a lot of rain lately, but on the best of days, there's a turning point when the rain abates and huzzah! The clouds clear. If we're lucky, we even get a warm spot of sun. Furthermore, if the stars align, this moment occurs just as I've wrapped up work, finished cleaning up around the house, and Ben's stretching and yawning awake from his nap. The thing about seizing the moment is that you have to be ready for it. We can steer our lives as best we can, but the universe seems to be on its own stubborn course much of the time. You just have to trust that the universe has got your back. Not always easy after a blistering run of challenges, say, but things really do even out somehow. Kind of like watching oven fries (one of my all-time favorites) bake. You have to anticipate goodness, know that the goodness will come, but it pays to wait as patiently as you can. Those fries aren't any good until they've crisped and browned just so. Babies really seem to get the whole carpe diem thing. No matter how late they go to sleep, they're up and at 'em early the next morning, same time as usual. They want to make sure they're ready for anything!

Miracle of miracles, we're having one such moment here this morning, so that's it for today. No matter that I haven't even showered, gotta get the kid out for some fresh air! 


Jenny said...
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Jenny said...

I love this post to pieces!